Below are the special events happening in Arizona in February for Magic: the Gathering. Special events are defined as non-weekly events (biweekly events are allowed however) that usually have some sort of unique prize, such as 1K’s, tournaments for specific cards, PTQs, etc. If you are a store owner and do not see your event listed, please contact AZMagicPlayers in the comments, on the forums, or on the AZMagicPlayers Facebook page.
You can organize the table by time, store, format, etc by clicking on the head of each column.
Date Time Store Format/Event Entry Notable Prize Support
2/4-2/5 Varies Varies Dark Ascension Launch Party Varies Boosters and promo cards
2/6 7pm Pop Culture Paradise Ravnica Block Draft $25
2/11 Artist Daarken: 12pm-6pm
Legacy: 12pm
DA Booster Draft: 8pm
Time Spiral Block Draft: 8pmRookies To Legends Daarken Draft Weekend Legacy: $25
DA Booster Draft: $15
Time Spiral Block Draft: $25Legacy: Sealed box of Tempest
2/11 1pm Amazing Discoveries GPT: Seattle - Standard $15 Byes for GPT Seattle
2/12 Artist Daarken: 12pm-6pm
Standard: 1pm
Junk Rare Draft: 6pmRookies to Legends Daarken Draft Weekend Standard: $5
Junk Rare Draft: 45 10 cent-$1 rares + $5 entry
2/24 7pm Pop Culture Paradise FNM - Standard $10 Playset of Foil Seachrome Coasts
2/26 1pm Pop Culture Paradise Legacy $10 Playset of Snapcaster Mage