We are proud to announce the
AZMagicPlayers.com Legacy Workshop
at Pop Culture Paradise • Friday, June 1st • 5:30pm
Come watch, play, or just talk about Legacy at the AZMagicPlayers.com Legacy Workshop! We will have mentors playing Legacy throughout the night and helping players learn the vast format that is Legacy. There will be a variety of decks, ranging from the top tier decks such as RUG Delver to budget decks such as Affinity to lesser known decks such as Team Italia. All games will be open to commentary and discussion, so feel free to ask about particular lines of play or what certain cards do. Finally, once you’ve gotten a grasp on a deck, feel free to take part in the Legacy Challenge, where you can play against a mentor for Legacy-playable cards! Also, a Legacy tournament may fire that evening if there is enough players!
Pop Culture Paradise’s address is 715 S. Forest Ave. Tempe, AZ 85281
See you all there!